Sunday, March 16, 2008

Sunday, busy Sunday

Pin It So my dear, sweet hubby let me sleep in this morning, and remarkably, so did the Beast. He woke up at 4 something a.m. and cried for a bit but eventually fell back asleep. I'm not sure what the deal is with this, but he's been waking up between 4 and 5am for the past week or so. But, he fell back asleep, and instead of waking up at his usual time of between 7 or 8, he slept until 11:30! Bliss, I tell ya. It was short lived though when I had to race out of bed, feed the baby, get ready for church and stick a turkey in the oven. Hubby mostly got the kids ready, so that was nice. In fact, he put the turkey in the oven as well. Too bad I can't remember how to work the delay on the oven! Neither did he. We stared it down for a while, hoping it would give in and do what we wanted, but it wouldn't cooperate. In my house, I shouldn't be surprised. Eventually we thought we had it figured out, but when we came home we discovered a mostly raw turkey waiting for us.

On the way to church today Sprout shared with us the fact that she was a girl, and that meant that when she grew up she would be a mom, and she could do grown up dances. I'm not really sure what she meant by it, but thought it was pretty funny that for her, being a mom means being able to do different dances than they do in her dance class.

So it's been a long day, as all Sundays usually are. And the Beast is once again in the midst of his witching hour. I think hubby's getting ready to toss him out the window, so I'd better go rescue them from each other.


carizolli said...

Ah Rachelle! I almost cried when I saw your comment. I miss you so much! I'm so glad you started a blog!

I use to have a LiveJournal too. It suffered the same fate as your's. But now I feel like people actually read what I write and that motivates me! I hope you'll be motivated to write too. I'd hate to lose touch with you.

Well, I hope Spencer gives you so good rest tonight. *sweet dreams*

Ginny said...

Ha, funny thing about ovens...we haven't even changed the time on it from daylight savings. Are the ovens smarter that us?!? lol

Tricia said...

I promise there is light to the end of your tunnel, and one day you will look back and think these days were "the happy days" you have to love how little people think. I love that they have it all figured out now if would just listen to all their insights we might be a little more happy.