Monday, March 24, 2008

The Beast's first Easter.....

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...and I forgot to take any pictures. OOPS!
I even charged up the batteries.

Poor third child. I think hubby working nights completely threw the whole thing off. I almost forgot Easter was Sunday on Saturday night until I checked facebook and my friend Tanya wrote that she was getting ready for the Easter bunny to come. Duh! Blonde moment for sure. So I quickly emptied out the baskets that my mom got the kids and restuffed them with a few things we'd picked up earlier in the week. It was so anti-climactic. The girls woke up to see the baskets on the table but at first didn't realize that they were filled with different things than they had brought home from "gammy's" house. We also missed great grandma L's 90th birthday come-and-go-tea on Saturday at her retirement home. I'm such a putz. I didn't really want to go try and keep the kids in check without hubby, but figured we should go anyway, but I guess the day just kind of got away from me and by afternoon I had forgotten about it. We'll be seeing her today and so I thought I'd go pick a present up for her but when I talked to my step-MIL I was told that she really only wanted our company and I definitely got the hint. I'm feeling a bit chilled from the frost I got over the phone. Not looking forward to the day I have to say, though I suppose the cold shoulder is warranted. The wicked take the truth to be hard? Yup, they do! Can I be perfectly honest here though and say that though she seems nice, I have no idea what to say to her and wonder a bit why my husband doesn't make more of an effort to see her? After all, she's not my grandma; why is it my responsibility? Here's where I'm thinking if I'm going to make my blog public, that I ought to censor myself a little more and come off as more....perfect. But I'm not, and I don't see any point in hiding that fact. Nothing frosts me more than women pretending to have it all together for those around them when they are feeling overwhelmed with life, you know? I think it makes the rest of the other poor women feel like they have to pretend. Let's all just be real, shall we. Maybe if we could share our struggles, less anti-depressants would be in order. I will sacrifice perfection! I'm letting the world know right now, that I'm a wreck! :)  /getting off soapbox, now.

Anyway, I hope everyone had a good Easter. I think I may have to restage the scene and get some pictures.


Kristi Drennan said...

found ya!! restaging is always a great trick! cause really who will ever really know?? Yay for blogging...I'm excited to read all your blogness. I just made that word up.

Jess said...

Aren't family relationships fun? I am sure your 90 year old Grandmother will forgive you.
I wouldn't worry about the kids too much I mean they got lot's of candy and they were pretty darn happy in primary so I think they are over it.

carizolli said...

Ain't that the darned truth? Even if it's hubby's side of the family, if the ball is dropped it's on the wife's shoulders, huh? That really drives me batty!

Definitely do some restaging tomorrow. Really all you have to do is put a pretty basket next to Spencer and take a couple pictures. Better yet, wait until Sunday since he'll be all dressed up for church anyway! *lol*